All the Missing Pieces focuses on the story of Adam, a young man leaving home to start a new adventure. Adam recounts his life as a child, growing up without a grandfather and searching through his belongings with his best friend Megan as if it was some sort of treasure. Every time Adam would get caught taking something he’d get a lecture from his grandmother, which would usually devolve into a story about his grandfather. As a grown man he walks the streets of his hometown for the last time and the stories about his grandfather begin to come to life. Adam recalls the stories he has heard from his grandmother and the old men in the barbershop about how his grandfather was a great man who lived life in a grand way. In an attempt to live life the way his grandfather did, Adam decides before he leaves he must face his greatest fear: telling Megan that he loves her.
There is nothing I love more than a coming of age movie filmed in my stomping ground, also known as the greater Greer area. Actually I cringe when I tell people I am from Greer because I am from Blue Ridge. The Dark Corner of South Carolina. And it seems that people from the Dark Corner enjoy making movies. Which is awesome, because it is a beautiful place.
Oh yeah and how good is that song in the background? First person to name it gets free tickets to the premiere of this movie.
The movie has several up coming premieres. We’ll let you know more in the upcoming weeks. Maybe even an interview with the film makers if we are lucky…
In the upstate of SC:
The film`s main premiere will be at the Greer City Park Amphitheater in downtown Greer, SC on Thursday, November 5 at 8 p.m.
In the midlands of SC:
The Nickelodeon Theater will host the Columbia premiere of ALL THE MISSING PIECES on Friday, November 13 at 10 p.m.
Austin Crane – Find Our Places. I win.