Two years ago Dylan Sneed toured to Hartsville, SC from his home in Texas with all of his belongings and when he arrived in South Carolina, he stayed. His latest album is fittingly called Texodus and you can buy it here and stream it here.
Earlier this year Sneed raised over $8,000 to record this album through donations and a kickstarter program that was wildly successful, raising more than the amount he had anticipated. The album was then recorded in a 100 year old farmhouse in the lowcountry of South Carolina, pictured on the cover of Texodus.
This full length has been a long time in the process for Sneed and in my opinion turned out perfect. If you’ve seen Dylan live, you have probably heard some of these songs performed. “Under the Sheets” has always been one of my favorites and it came out perfect on the album, along with the title track that is hauntingly good “Texodus.”