Over the last couple of years Joyce Manor has created a buzz for themselves with a traditional punk show energy that has fans bouncing off the walls. When it comes down to it, their music, which rides the border of indie rock and punk, shows the influences of bands like Weezer and Guided by Voices. Lyrically you’ll hear Pinkerton era sexual frustration fused with fuzzed out chord progressions and energy of a band like Rancid. Their influences are all over the place and they come out most in their anthemic melodies sang at full guttural voice. As guitars chug along, and guitar leads follow the melody, be prepared to sway, jump, and sing along. The Oasis in Charleston is the perfect setting to rock out as a fan without having to worry about getting kicked out by a douche bouncer.
Opening the show will be Future Wives, Places to Hide, and Future Trunks.