Paul Brazell/Heyrocco/Flagship/Elim Bolt
Show Takeaways
-Why there weren’t more people there I’m not sure. Typical feeling at shows in Columbia.
-Elim Bolt played as a three-piece with Jessica Oliver on drums, Jordan Hicks on Bass, and Johnnie Matthews singing and playing guitar. It worked out fine, but I was missing the lead licks.
-Flagship has a sound and vibe destined to take them to the next level, but the live show wasn’t there for me yet. I’ve listened to their EP a fair amount, and was familiar with the songs, but it was missing something. I always call it the magic, but the magic wasn’t quite there.
-Heyrocco just tried to make me blush the entire set. Dedicated the set to me, whisper my name during a cover of “Kiss Me”, shit I’ll take it. I’m a huge fan of those guys and what they’re doing and their songwriting versatility. They are in a 90’s phase right now rehashing some great tunes and wearing their Nada Surf, Counting Crows, Nirvana influence on their sleeves. Of course I’m gonna love it. I doubt a lot of their fans have ever even listened through a Nada Surf album or August & Everything After.
-This lineup was stacked in thanks to Paul Brazell who was not only releasing his new EP, but put the lineup together. He’s playing on a different level than ever before with a tight-knit live band. This EP should serve as a formidable stepping stone to a full length release.