For the last two years Kevin Oliver has examined many aspects of music on his blog Music That Matters. Music That Matters is full of previews of local bands, insights into the marketing side of the music industry and general music musings that didn’t make it into one of the many publications Kevin freelances for. It is one of the first local oriented music blogs that we found and is truly one of the best for content that is worth reading. Add MTM to your RSS feed or Google Reader or whatever it is you keep track of that stuff with.
Posted on September 24, 2007 by Kevin Oliver | Edit
and hopefully it matters to you, too, or you wouldn’t be reading this. In the posts that follow this initial foray into the blogosphere, I’ll be deconstructing the music scene as I experience it, from a local standpoint and into the effects of national and international trends. From the business of making music to those doing it just for the sheer enjoyment of the sounds they create, it’s all fair game.