EZ Shakes Live at Papa Jazz

What’s the first album you remember loving as a kid?

The first album I remember loving as a kid was probably John Cougar American Fool. I wanted to be him in every way. He had longer, kinda untamed hair, rode a motorcycle, sang rock and roll and was a common man. What’s not to love!

What as the first album you bought with your own money?

The first record I bought with my own money was at a Peaches Records in Worcester Massachusetts. It was U2 Under a Blood Red Sky and I was just about to turn 11.

What was the first local band that caught your ear?

I’ve lived in Columbia for around 12 years but that’s been off and on over the past 20 years so I can hardly call myself a native. That being said I think the one local band that caught my ear over the others through the years was Rockefeller Horsecollar. They were just completely bad ass.

What’s the most recent album you bought or have been listening to lately?

As far as newish contemporary stuff I’m currently spinning the new War On Drugs and the most current Wovenhand record. Outside that I’ve mostly been listening to a lot of world music from the 60s and 70s.

You released an EP last year, but do you have more in the works for 2018?

We are going to record a full length at the Fidelitorium in NC mid March with hopes to release it late May/early June. The next thing we’re playing is a Jam Room Festival fundraiser at the pastor’s study above Lula Drake’s. March 30 with the Boomtown Waifs and Skeleton. 2018 is going to be good.


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