Parachute Musical and The Winter Sounds


Parachute Musical and The Winter Sounds are coming through South Carolina this weekend stopping into Greenville Friday night and Charleston Saturday night.

The Winter Sounds play a high energy brand of melodic rock n roll that appeals more to the late teen and young adult than to the pre-teen music newb.  Their new Album Church of the Haunted South is one of the best we have heard this year and they have been giving it the tour support it deserves, having tracked all over the East coast in the past months.

Seeing Parachute Musical live last year, I didn’t really hear the comparison between Ben Folds 5 and them.   Since then I’ve gone back and I can definitely hear some of the Ben Folds phrasing and melody in their music, but they are much more than just a piano driven rock band.  Listening to their album and seeing them live you see and hear just how talented they are as musicians.  They will be doing an in store performance this Saturday in Charleston at Monster Music and Movies.  The word on the street is that they are super nice guys, so don’t hesitate to get to know them and buy all of their merch.

Scene SC favorite Allison Weiss will also be playing both of these shows.

Aug 21 2009 8:00P
Gypsy G’s w/ The Winter Sounds Greenville, South Carolina
Aug 22 2009 5:00P
In Store Performance @ Monster Music & Movies *Free!* Charleston, South Carolina
Aug 22 2009 8:00P
The Tin Roof w/ The Winter Sounds

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