[4-5 DJOJ] The Makeshift/The Rocketboys

With the NCAA tournament just finishing up and March Madness coming to a close this week with Kentucky being crowned the national champion, let us think back to 2010. Duke was making a run at the title, while at the same time Butler wore Cinderella’s magical dancing shoe straight through the sweet 16, into the elite eight, eventually falling one inch short of being crowned champions. While all of this was happening The Makeshift were wearing their Cinderella slipper in March and it must have fit just fine. They ended up winning a cool $500 over some stiff competition in a battle of the bands. They were also playing shows with Elise Testone. What is she even doing now?

You’re probably wondering how all of this is really relevant, and for the most part it’s not. The bottom line is that “We’re both Assholes” is a really good song and The Makeshift are a very promising band. But now when you Google The Makeshift this damn article will come up and let you know that two years ago they won a battle of the bands the same year as Duke won the national championship, and at the same time played some shows with super talented American Idol hopeful Elise Testone.

The Rocketboys have been coming to Columbia to a loving following for years now. Over that time we’ve hosted a tour journal with them, hosted them at our house, and been huge fans of their music. Earlier this year we had the opportunity to go see them in their element. One of the best parts about SXSW was seeing these guys in their hometown and hanging out somewhere other than Columbia.

“Bloodless” is the first single off their new album Build Anyway. “Bloodless” is a catchy slow burner that builds into a haunting outro that will have fans singing along.

See them at New Brookland Tavern May 15.

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