[4-9 DJOJ] Mer de Blanc/Mount Moriah

Mer de Blanc’s music on Bandcamp is tagged with American Football, 90’s, and Explosions in the Sky. When it comes to melodic guitar lines they seem to channel the same melodic guitar harmonies found in Owen’s music, with less focus on vocals, much like late 90’s indie rock did. Younger generations may look upon these traits with less affinity than the 25-35 year old demographic. The older demographic will hear what in the late 90’s spawned a huge emo movement. Mer de Blanc would have been comfortable on Deep Elm or Jade Tree at that time.

Devoting yourself to a band or a musical effort is a hard thing to do. It’s scary at first because you don’t know if it will ever take off, and it’s also scary because if it does take off everything in your life is turned upside-down. Since the release of their eponymous EP, Mount Moriah has taken off, touring across the US and being featured on media outlets like NPR. The eight tracks have yet again set the bar extremely high for this wave of alt country from the NC triangle area.

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