Human Resources Live at Papa Jazz

Human Resources Papa Jazz


Q&A with Human Resources’ Matt Zutell 

What’s the first album you remember loving as a kid?

“Your Favorite Weapon” by Brand New and “Tell All Your Friends” by Taking Back Sunday

What was the first album you bought with your own money?

“Americana” by The Offspring

What was the first local band that caught your ear?

I gotta give this one to Heyrocco.

What’s the most recent album you bought or have been listening to lately?

“Fried Chicken & Evil Women” by Vincent Neil Emerson

Tell us a little about the projects and music you’ve been working on since the pandemic started?

I just wrapped up an album with Charleston band Easy Honey. It’s currently being mastered. I’m also almost finished mixing the new 10 song Beach Tiger album. That’s slated to come out in June. I’ve been working on some new music with Human Resources and also have a couple new Human Stranger tracks (our collaboration group with Little Stranger) in the works. It’s the project we premiered “Later Love” on the 2018 SceneSC Sampler.

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