Archer Avenue Showcase Featuring Harps


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Harps, the new project from ex Marry a Thief drummer Colin Brown is an interesting all around project. A mix of the songwriting ability of Brown, mixed with the production aspects of Aaron Robertson and the input of a handful of other musicians in the studio, their sound can most easily be described as electronic pop music.

Since moving to Seattle, Brown has kept the project as his main focus picking up ex Allen Stone member Nick Molenda, and working on cross country recording and writing between Seattle, Washington and Archer Avenue Studio in Columbia, SC. Obviously, it makes a live show a challenge. So for this show Brown and crew showed up days before the show to get ready. It doesn’t hurt that he has an all star cast that includes both Brown, Robertson, and Molendo, but also Eric McCoy (Archer Avenue Studio), Chad Rochester (Baumer), Cayla Fralick (Kemp Ridley), Parreli Blu and Megan Lannigan.



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