Cameron Goes North: A Weeklong Gastronomic Diary


While driving home to Virginia this Friday, I learned I would be leaving the ranks of the unemployed nine days later. In the midst of my excitement, I realized I had the perfect opportunity for one last blowout as a slacker – a weeklong road trip up north to visit friends, eat delicious sandwiches, drink beer and crash on couches.

“Cameron Goes North” will be the written manifestation of my encounters. There will be one of these posts each day chronicling the previous day’s events. Hopefully I’ll find some new beers and grub you haven’t seen over and over on Travel Channel or Food Network and inspire the gastronomic adventurer in you to journey toward new tastes.

The schedule:

Pittsburgh, PA – 4/1-4/2
Brooklyn, NY – 4/3-4/4
Philadelphia, PA – 4/5
Washington, DC – 4/5
Columbia, SC – 4/6
Charlotte, NC – 4/7

If you have absolutely nothing better to do, you can follow my endeavors in photo form on Instagram @tycampo or using #camgoesnorth.

The Primanti Bros. sandwich atop this post serves as a preview to tomorrow’s write-up from Pittsburgh, Pa., which will include state staple beers and a bunch of pissed off Pirates fans.

Link to Pittsburgh, Day One

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