Laura Stevenson and The Cans to Appear in The Courtroom

The Courtroom at Getty’s

Laura Stevenson & the Cans (Brooklyn, NY)

The Sea Wolf Mutiny (Columbia, SC)

Messenger enRoute (Local)

Cover $5
Start time 8 pm

Facebook Event

Spending my high school years in Rock Hill, SC and playing in a band, a decent venue was hard to come by. The Money was of no account, For What it’s Worth (now McHale’s) wasn’t age friendly, so we had to work with what we had. We had a couple of shows in the back yards of houses off Ebenezer, some shows in houses off Confederate and Lucas St. and even some shows in CiCi’s pizza. It was a struggle.

Things seem to be moving forward since I left town with The Courtroom at Getty’s hosting some great shows over the last year or so. Friday’s show will be one of their finest to date, featuring Laura Stevenson and the Cans, The Sea Wolf Mutiny, and Messenger enRoute.

If You Make It, a website out of New York, has always been one of our sources of inspiration. They are also huge supporters of Laura Stevenson and the Cans. The first time we saw her was on a pink couch 3 years ago. These days she’s been touring with her band The Can’s and playing sold out shows with Andrew Jackson Jihad.

When you hear Laura Stevenson live you’re likely to connect to their brand of upbeat indie rock. Stevenson uses songwriting as an emotional outlet, whether it be happy or sad times. You might actually be fooled if you don’t listen closely. “The Healthy One” will have you tapping your foot and singing along, the video will have you smiling, but underneath that smile is something more serious going on. Get deeper into Stevenson’s catalog and you’ll find more layers of song writing that will have you listening intently and enjoying every second of it.

Download their Daytrotter here.

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