Music Crawl Preview: Marshall Brown

01 LOVE&WAR_Fool’s Gold 1

Saturday November 5


Where:Tin Roof

How would you describe your sound to someone that has never heard your band?

I would just say, “Hey, throw some headphones and listen to my new track, “Love&War/Fool’s Gold.” You might feel as if you’ve fallen into a Nyquil dream by the end of it, but that’s just the way it sounds.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

The Beatles, The Kinks, The Beach Boys, The Zombies, and Right Said Fred.

What other bands are you excited about seeing at Music Crawl?

Those who know me well know that I’ve been a huge fan of The Restoration ever since they began playing together. Hope I’m not giving any secrets away, but a little birdy told me they will have a brass section for a piece they do at The Crawl. Don’t miss that.

What are you most excited about for the future of your band?

What am I most excited about? Well, we were promised 2 minutes of play on the next season of ‘Jersey Shore,’ but I must say I’m more excited about our plans to cut off our genitals together at an upcoming show at Art Bar.

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