Nathan K. Mostly Midwest Session

Oh my god this is beautiful. Here’s the deal: Mostly Midwest – a music website similar to SceneSC but based (mostly) in the midwest – records sessions with artists sometimes. They recently recorded a session with one of my favorite people in the world, Nathan K. Nathan is no stranger to SceneSC. He’s played shows with us, provided us with a beautiful interview, and now once again, I’m writing about him. I’m pretty sure Nathan is the only artist I know who I will feel the urge write about every time he does something. This is because of stuff like this.

This song is just a preview of his session with Mostly Midwest and it’s absolutely killer. It made me think of Radiohead and Here We Go Magic when I watched it and his shirt is just incredible. That’s all I have to say, I just wanted to share this to all you guys because he absolutely deserves the recognition. I will probably share the rest of the session when it comes up.

Also, Lollapalooza lineup is announced tomorrow!

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