New All Get Out Daytrotter

All Get Out Daytrotter

For the longest time Daytrotter seemed like a dream. Thousands of songs to download, beautiful stripped down raw versions from our favorite bands, and somehow they were all free.  Recently Daytrotter was straightforward with their fans and changed over to a pay model.  What was the rate going to be? Would they price themselves out? They simply asked for $2 a month for unlimited downloads and offered new features like live concert footage and the ability to stream bands recording session for another small fee. Seriously, only $2 a month? I still felt like I was getting a steal and would have been happy to pay even more. They made clear that artists were getting royalties from their sessions and that if you purchased the live sessions then that money would be split with the artists. Just another reason the $2 shouldn’t bother you.

What Daytrotter has created is a tight knit music community. They don’t record much crap, and they show the raw talent of bands.  All Get Out now has it under control, this is their third visit and first since their debut album has been released.

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