Photos: Stick Tight Fest Night 2

The second night of Stick Tight Fest at New Brookland Tavern sold out just as everyone imagined it would. The inaugural three night festival honored late employee Mike Busbee and raised funds and awareness for suicide prevention. The three nights featured a wide array of bands fitting of the music Busbee supported and promoted.

The common theme running through the night was telling the people you care about how you feel. Not to hold it in, but to share those feelings. As often as you hear about egos and bad attitudes in music scenes, we don’t have a lot of that here. Saturday night felt like the veterans coming together to keep leading the way for a positive music scene. Junior Astronomers noted that they’d been playing the club for ten years. Susto’s Justin Osborne mentioned that he must have played his first 100 shows here starting over a decade ago. The same can be said for Dear Blanca, ET Anderson and Blocker. All of these acts are ones that this website grew with. One’s that had the same intentions of spreading South Carolina music and creating a healthier, more inclusive music scene together.

Photos by Kati Baldwin

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