She Returns From War To Release New Album

On Thursday we received an advanced copy of She Returns from War’s upcoming full length album Mirrored Moon Dance Hall due out late spring this year. Saturday morning I got my first listen to the album and was blown away. I spent the rest of the weekend listening to the album over and over, each time hearing something I hadn’t heard the time before. We’ve followed She Returns from War, the moniker for Charleston songwriter Hunter Park for years now, knowing that her best music was yet to come. With this album she’s arrived, having created her own genre entirely and having shed everything you knew of her music.

Lyrically the album gives a glimpse into Park’s everyday struggle as a trans women in the South, showing her strength as a person with each line and verse. Her latest press release captures her lyrics on the new album perfectly.

“Interwoven throughout the album are Park’s verses, inviting the listener into her unique world as a young transgender woman waltzing through the hallways of a decaying South. Park is simultaneously mystified by the colorful forces of nature that create her and alienated by her own beauty. Her lyrical symmetry balances this imagery; invoking dreams of love, gardens of roses, and hopeful star-gazing along with monsters, poisons, heartbreak, and ultimately tragedy. Park keeps a sense of humor despite the hardships, with her soft delivery and casual style only adding strength to her truths.”

You’ll have plenty of chances to catch She Returns from War and hear some of the songs before the official album release.

APRIL 6 // Columbia, SC W/ @falineave and Brian Robert
APRIL 11 // Athens, GA // @rooftop_georgiatheatre
APRIL 12 // Atlanta, GA W/ @theunderhillfamilyorchestra and The Titos 
APRIL 13 // Savannah, GA W/ @falineave and Brian Robert
APRIL 20 // Carrboro, NC W/ @sustoisreal
APRIL 27 // Greenville, SC W/ @falineave and Brian Robert
MAY 5 // Raleigh, NC // @outraleighnc
MAY 11 // Charlotte, NC // @petrasbar
MAY 23 // Huntsville, AL // Sidetracks Music Hall 

JUNE 23 // Savannah, GA // El Rocko Lounge

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