Show Preview: Cory Branan/The Honorary Title/Good Old War


The Honorary Title
Good Old War
Cory Branan
Ned Durrett

Acoustic / Indie / Rock
7:30 Doors
$10 Advance / $12 Day Of Show
To Purchase Tickets Click Here

By Todd Mathis

Cory Branan has slept at my house twice.

Both times he left his cell phone.

The second time I found it under the bed.

The first time it was on the back of the toilet.

I’ve booked him once at the Whig and once at New Brookland Tavern.

The Whig had just opened when he played and I carted a PA downstairs for him.

The sound was horrible.

The NBT show didn’t go much better.

He was playing the night Benji (the longtime Columbia soundman) died.

We all went to the Red Tub and got drunk.

He has since been back to the Tavern, for a better show, but I’d have to say Cory’s luck in Columbia hasn’t been that great.  And that’s really too bad because the guy writes damn good songs and puts on a hell of a live show including hilarious stories to accompany his songs and insightful off the cuff remarks.  Maybe he’s kind of like Todd Snider crossed with that squirrel from Ice Age…you know, funny and spastic.

Cory’s latest release is a split vinyl/cassette/digital download with Jon Snodgrass (from Drag the River.)  It features 3 Cory originals.  He’s also finished the recording of his 3rd album to be released on an “as yet to be named” label.  New West maybe?  Hopefully someone that can market him will grab a hold of it.  Cory’s playing on a bill with a bunch of other bands, but be sure to get there early and check him out as he alone is worth the price of admission.

Scene SC are also huge fans of Good Old War and The Honorary Title.  We’ll be there shooting video.

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