Sub Rosa III: Grand Republic

Each member of Grand Republic has a rich history in the South Carolina music scene, ranging from seminal 90-2000’s bands Lay Quiet Awhile and The Verna Cannon to Iron and Wine during their rise on Sub Pop. As you’ll hear in their interview in the video each member’s past weaves together in multiple ways, eventually leading to this band, Grand Republic, where they each go out of their element. Tonight they’ll headline a show at Hunter Gatherer in Columbia, SC, a bar who recently reopened their doors to live music.

The video was filmed in the summer of 2016 while they rehearsed for an upcoming gig at Art Bar, while the interview was filmed months later.

-Camera operators were David Stringer and Gibbes DeLoach.

-John Furr recorded the audio live.

-Editing by David Stringer

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