Watch Bathe Perform Migration Patterns Live at Bar None

  The walls of Bar None, one of 5 Points longest running bars and favorite musician hangout for the past twenty years, are filled with South Carolina music history. From the stacks of cd’s behind the bar to the promo pictures that line the wall above, it’s a perfect establishment to film a video and host Bathe on a Sunday night. While the bar was open when we filmed, it was a relatively quiet Sunday night. Blues Traveler and Tom Petty was blasted from the stereo as we set up. We only planned on doing one or two songs, but it only felt right to film the new EP Migration Patterns in full. It was everything a Bathe show should be, intense, complex, and winding, from slow lulls to manic screaming. Bathe is currently in the midst of a two week tour crossing northern states, with their first show back in South Carolina September 6th at The Radio Room. Huge thanks to Josh Bumgarner for helping set this up. It was close to a year in the making. Josh is a true champion of both music and the smoked wing.

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