Watch Danger Boy Live at Indie Grits Labs

Danger Boy came onto the music scene with a lot of buzz and deservedly so. There was no period for this band that new bands often go through where they work to find their style, sound, and develop a live show. Danger Boy had it all from the start. Their debut EP was focused and confident in its sound, reimagining and constructing something original from influences they wear on their sleeve. What stands out most about the band is their live show. Their rhythm section is stellar and lead guitar really drives the songs forward, but it’s Tyler Washington’s ability to own the stage as a frontman that sets the live show apart. This was something we had hoped would come through in a live session, and we feel like this session really captures their live performance. With no crowd to feed off of, just performing for the cameras, Danger Boy burned through their set for us, giving fans and future fans a small glimpse on what to expect live. Be on the lookout for new music soon.

When: Saturday, April 14 at 9:45 p.m.
Venue: Main Street Public House

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