2023 Sampler Submission

Submissions are now open for the 2023 SceneSC Sampler, a music compilation built with the songs of South Carolina artists. 

This will be our twelfth compilation since we began in 2008 and we’re looking forward to uncovering new local artists and amplifying their work through the sampler. 

If you’re not familiar, the sampler typically features new songs (released this year), unreleased songs, and offers space for established artists to share songs that didn’t fit on an album. 

This year’s deadline for submission will be May 31 with a summer release date. We’ll have a small team of people listen through all of the submissions and narrow them down to 25 total tunes. 

We’re aiming to make the 25 songs a mix of new artists, established artists, and music that’s representative of SC’s current independent music scene. 

Be cognizant of: 

  • Song length. It’s a compilation so longer running songs over about five minutes rarely fit as well. 
  • Recording quality. Lofi is fine, but you can get a good idea by listening to past compilations. 
  • If you’ve submitted a song for a sampler before and it wasn’t chosen, you’re encouraged to submit again. 
  • If your band won’t have any new material ready by the deadline, plan ahead for the 2024 SceneSC Sampler. Submissions for the 2024 sampler are due Friday, January 26, 2024
  • It’s preferred that you submit one song, but if you’re unsure and need help choosing don’t hesitate to let us know. 

Share this info with a friend and fellow local music scene supporters. <3


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